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Top iRecruit Posts in 2011

Happy New Year! Please find below our top six posts about iRecruit from 2011!
Save on New Hires with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit

CMS Announces New Social Media Sharing for iRecruit

iRecruit Customer Testimonials

Quote from new customer:

CMS Announces new iRecruit to support Enterprise Marketplace

Make New Hires Feel At Home

Look for more educational and informative posts from iRecruit in 2012. Follow our RSS Feed, find us on Facebook or Twitter.

About iRecruit

iRecruit is a cloud-based recruiting and applicant tracking software application that allows you to track and report on all of your job applicants and positions. Find out more and take a quick screenshot tour on our website at http://www.irecruit-software.com/ or join a demo on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 2pm. Call iRecruit at 1-800-517-9099 if you have any questions.

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