How do you spend your lunch break? Do you quickly chow down a sandwich at a nearby deli with your eyes glued to your Blackberry? Do you devour a salad at your desk with one hand on your keyboard? Perhaps you skip lunch altogether because you have “too much on your plate.”
3 interview questions to ditch — and 3 to use instead
Thanks to the Internet, applicants are better prepared than ever for interviews — which means HR pros need to work harder to find questions that candidates haven’t already memorized the answers to.
Candidates are Customers, Too: 6 Customer Service Rules to Recruit By
Successful companies recognize the business benefits of providing stellar customer service. Not only does it generate referrals from satisfied customers and bolster customer loyalty, but it also differentiates them from their competitors.
Improve Candidate Response by Updating Your iRecruit Job Application Forms
A recent HiringSite by CareerBuilder article explains some of the reasons you may not be attracting the candidates you need. You may be doing everything right, advertising in all the right places, you have a well-crafted job description and are offering a competitive salary. So, why can’t you attract the applicants you’re trying to reach?
Announcing iRecruit webinar presentation schedule for November 2012. Learn how to take control of your applicant tracking process, and manage your applicants in a centralized, secure, cloud-based database.