Happy Friday! Take a look at the latest recruiting news that popped on our newsfeed this week:
3 Easy Ways To Increase Candidate Communications (iRecruit Blog)
From a candidate experience point of view, there’s nothing worse than spending time completing an employment application with an employer and then never ever hearing back from them again. In the ATS industry, we call this “the black hole“. Your applicant tracking software can be a fantastic communications tool. Yes, one of the primary functions of the ATS is used to collect and sort applicant data for reporting purposes but it doesn’t have to end there. In fact, it’s incredibly easy to use your ATS to reach out to candidates. Communication is key to providing a positive candidate and onboarding experience.
WOTC Questions: What is the turn around time on the WOTC Cert. for a specific employee? (WOTC Blog)
CMS Says: This really depends different factors: the state you are in, if they process applications online or not, whether additional information was requested, and how much of a backlog the state has. This can vary from getting an instant notification of eligibility, to waiting months or longer depending on the state.
ask the readers: how accurate are Glassdoor reviews? (Read @ Ask a Manager)
Glassdoor is one of the few places you can go to really get the inside scoop on a company … but how much weight can you truly put on their reviews? Some companies have clearly padded their reviews with fake glowing assessments, and some companies pressure employees into leaving positive reviews that aren’t in line with the reality of working there.
Instead of Complaining About a Talent Shortage, Let’s Expand the Definition of Talent (Read @ ERE)
Recruiting today misses talented people who may not directly fit the job description, or model of the “ideal hire.” Traditional hiring practices assess on experience (what you have done) rather than potential (what you are capable of), with a disproportionate focus on degree and pedigree.
In a Small Business, Everyone Does Multiple Jobs. How Do You Choose Accurate Titles? (Read @ Inc.)
I always find the job title “secretary” fascinating. It’s both an administrative support person, almost always non-exempt, and not responsible for high-level activities, and an exceedingly high government official, with incredibly complex and varied responsibilities, some of whom are responsible for literally hundreds of thousands of employees.
There’s a restaurant in Minneapolis called All Square. They make square grilled cheese sandwiches. They do not have any problems finding employees! Why? THEY ONLY HIRE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN FORMERLY INCARCERATED. Yes, you just read that correctly. They ‘only’ hire people who have spent time in prison for committing a crime. You know how you and I won’t hire someone because they’ve been in prison?
How We Describe Male and Female Job Applicants Differently (Read @ HBR)
Words matter. And the words we use to describe men versus women differ in significant ways that can affect their careers. This starts early on. Research finds that girls who are described as “bossy” are viewed negatively in ways that boys are not. This discrepancy continues into adulthood where the description of being “ambitious” is an insult for women but not for men.
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