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Recruiting News Roundup #FridayReads

Happy Friday! Take a look at this week’s must read articles for recruiters:

Nearly 90% of manufacturing companies struggle to fill jobs (Read @ HR Dive)
Almost 90% of manufacturing companies — 98% of which are small businesses — cannot fill all available jobs, data compiled by SCORE showed. The entrepreneurship mentoring network found more than three-quarters of these companies have less than 20 employees. Despite their small natures, manufacturing businesses generated 11.6% of the country’s economic output and employed 8.5% of the workforce last year, SCORE said.

Former Inmates Are Getting Jobs As Employers Ignore Stigma In Bright Economy (Read/Listen @ NPR)
In 1998, Ichard Oden committed a crime that got him sent away for two decades. He was 19. He got out of prison in February. Today, he’s a 40-year-old man with very little job experience. As it turns out, Oden is coming back into society at a time when the economy is booming and attitudes toward people with criminal records are changing.

How to Differentiate Multiple Jobs When You Post Several With The Exact Same Title (iRecruit Blog)
At iRecruit we get many questions sent in by customers every month. We thought we would share some of the questions with you on our blog. iConnect is an add-on module for iRecruit Applicant Tracking Software that allows you to communicate with candidates and new hires. iConnect eliminates (or vastly reduces) the paper-heavy aspect of hiring. Recently a customer had a conundrum: how to get their five C.N.A. jobs onto Indeed separately. They were all posted on the same day, same location, same exact same job title. When they later checked Indeed to find their listings, they could only find the one job listed for CNA – Certified Nursing Aide (Health Services).

Google’s Shadow Work Force: Temps Who Outnumber Full-Time Employees (Read @ NY Times)
SAN FRANCISCO — Mindy Cruz had an offer for a full-time position at another big tech company when she accepted a temporary job as a recruiter at Google in 2017. The pay was less and the benefits were not as good, but it was one step closer to her dream of becoming a Google employee.

Age Discrimination in the Workplace: Three Myths About Older Workers, Debunked (Read @ Indeed Blog)
Americans now enjoy longer, healthier lives, and a growing number continue working long past traditional retirement age. Workers 65 and older are projected to have the fastest growth in the labor force by 2026; those 55 and older filled almost half of new jobs in 2018. Working longer brings benefits from income to social engagement. However, age discrimination is a major problem that prevents some workers from realizing their goals — or pushes them out entirely. This also means employers miss out on an experienced talent pool.

Should I Give Feedback To Rejected Candidates? (Read Suzanne Lucas @ Comstock Mag)
I’m a recruiter for a popular company, and we receive a lot of applicants for jobs. We can’t interview all of them, and even great candidates aren’t necessarily interviewed. And of those, most won’t be hired. Frequently, candidates — both those who get interviews and those who don’t — contact me to find out why they weren’t hired or even interviewed. Should I respond thoroughly to these inquiries, give a simple form response or ignore them?

Are you ready for intern season? (Read @ HR Morning)
It’s almost intern season – when college students are out for the summer and look to build their resume. You’ll recall that last year, the DOL dropped its strict “six-factor test” for determining whether an intern qualifies as an employee entitled to at least minimum wage and overtime pay, under the FLSA.

7 Traits That Can Move a Potential New Hire’s Resume to the Short List (Read @ Recruiter.com)
Today’s Question: What qualities immediately move a candidate’s resume into your short list? The answers below are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs.



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irecruit-duck-miniiRecruit is a cloud-based recruiting and applicant tracking and electronic onboarding software designed to provide any size of business a cost effective, affordable and truly simple way to manage the recruiting and onboarding process online. With options for ExpressProfessional and Enterprise, you can find a flexible recruiting and onboarding solution that works for your budget, and meets your needs. Join us for a demo or ask a question.

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