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iRecruit Customer Testimonials: iRecruit works for us, CSE, Inc.

Easy to use and customer service is excellent!


“We like how the system shows stats based on how someone applied and that it allows us to search for applications by job title.”


“We don’t utilize the features that allow the data to flow to our HRMS/HRIS system. We also haven’t recognized anything WOTC yet.”

Melissa from CSE, Inc.

If you are an iRecruit customer and would like to submit a testimonial please do so here.

About iRecruit

irecruit-duck-miniiRecruit is a cloud-based recruiting and applicant tracking and electronic onboarding software designed to provide any size of business a cost effective, affordable and truly simple way to manage the recruiting and onboarding process online. With options for ExpressProfessional and Enterprise, you can find a flexible recruiting and onboarding solution that works for your budget, and meets your needs. Join us for a demo or ask a question.

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