Happy Friday – you made it through this crazy topsy-turvy week! Take a look at this week’s must read articles for recruiters, hiring managers and everyone in between:

Good boy Charlie working from home.
Together, We Can Beat This: Indeed Responds to COVID-19 (Read @ Indeed)
A challenge like the coronavirus is unprecedented in modern times. Who would have thought even two weeks ago that we would all be where we are now, with borders closed, city centers in lockdown, and many people facing uncertainty over their jobs and businesses?
How Old Is Too Old to Work? (Read @ The New Yorker)
n her book “Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life,” Louise Aronson, a geriatrician and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, examines Americans’ fraught relationship to the aging process.
Reducing Turnover by Hiring STARS (iRecruit Blog)
Do you have a list of the top ten reasons STAR employees would want to work for you? Just one of the questions hourly worker hiring and retention expert Mel Kleiman addresses in this extract from a recent webinar that we did with HR.com.
Are Those Job ‘Requirements’ Really Required? (Read @ Recruiter.com)
Does the customer service job you’re hiring for really require an undergraduate degree? Do you really need a candidate with 10-15 years of experience for a mid-level engineering position?
How to Spot Talent During the Hiring Process (Read @ HR Daily Advisor)
Human Resources managers have a tough task on their hands whenever there is a need to hire a new employee. The process of hiring new staff can be very frustrating and time-consuming for HR department personnel. But if you are trying to spot talent, it takes more time, resources, and scrutiny.
Tips for Managing a Remote Workforce During Coronavirus — and Beyond (Read @ LinkedIn)
Many companies are asking their employees to work remotely in an effort to slow down the spread of coronavirus and preserve the health and safety of their people.
Self-Isolating as a Recruiter (Read @ Undercover Recruiter)
Who would have ever predicted I would be writing a blog as if we were in post-apocalypse times.
Recruiter Job Security – Be The Last Recruiter Standing During Turmoil (Read @ Dr. John Sullivan)
Trauma from COVID-19, travel bans, broken supply chains, and new TA tech will all contribute to upcoming recruiting cutbacks. So don’t wait, ask “What have I done to increase my value and job security?” I’m not trying to be alarmist; strategic recruiting leaders always plan for the inevitable up-and-down cycles of recruiting.
About iRecruit
iRecruit is a cloud-based recruiting and applicant tracking and electronic onboarding software designed to provide any size of business a cost effective, affordable and truly simple way to manage the recruiting and onboarding process online. With options for Express, Professional and Enterprise, you can find a flexible recruiting and onboarding solution that works for your budget, and meets your needs. Join us for a demo or ask a question.