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Making the Switch to Electronic Onboarding with iConnect

iConnect is iRecruit’s paperless onboarding module that is seamlessly integrated with iRecruit. If you are considering making the switch from paper-based to electronic onboarding, iRecruit can help.

iConnect includes I-9s, W-4s, and State Tax Forms. iConnect also has the ability to build and create secure online versions of any other form that you use as part of onboarding:

    • Additional Information not collected on application forms
    • Background Checks
    • Employee Emergency Contacts
    • Employment Agreements and Policies
    • Acknowledgement of Pay Rates
    • Release Forms
    • Company Handbook
    • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (Integrated with iRecruit)
    • And more . . .

Here are the steps you need to make to prepare to switch over to electronic onboarding:

  • Make a list of all of your paper documents that you would like to include.


  • Consider new hire packages. If you have different types of employees that typically receive a different selection of new hire forms, build packages of the forms to make it more efficient to assign.


  • Create a “Welcome” email template. This will be sent out with your new hire forms, and will include instruction on how to log in to the applicant portal to complete the paperwork online.


  • Offer Letter templates. Create offer letter templates to send out to your new hires.


iRecruit support staff will help make an electronic version of all of your documents, bundle into packages where appropriate, provide you with step by step instructions, and train you on how to use this convenient new feature.


About iRecruit

irecruit-duck-miniiRecruit is a cloud-based recruiting and applicant tracking and remote onboarding software designed to provide any size of business a cost effective, affordable and truly simple way to manage the recruiting and onboarding process online. With options for ExpressProfessional and Enterprise, you can find a flexible recruiting solution that meets your needs.

Want to Learn More? Join Us for a Demo of iRecruit:

    Company Name: (required)


    If you would like to attend an iRecruit demo, please select the date and time that works best for you from the list below, and click on the Send Your Message button below. (Earlier or later times available on request). *All Times Eastern:

    Select Options (as applicable):

    iRecruit, Applicant Tracking Software
    iRecruit TXT Texting with Applicants
    iConnect Electronic Onboarding Forms
    Requisition Approval Workflow
    Internal and External Requisitions
    Set Up for Multiple Organizations
    HR or Payroll Integration
    Work Opportunity Tax Credit
    Verified First Background Screening Integration
    Request Quote

    To help us customize your demo, or provide an accurate quote, please provide the following (optional) information:

    Size of your organization:

    Enter your HR or Payroll System:

    Are you currently using an Applicant Tracking Software?

    If you selected yes, what is the name of your current ATS software?

    Do you have a timeframe for purchasing a new ATS or onboarding solution?

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